Save the date August 14 2018
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The 20th annual Paul R Eckna Golf Outing/Dinner Dance will be held on October 7th 2021.
The event will be hosted at the Garden City Country Club in Garden City, NY.
15th Annual Eckna Outing August 03 2017
The 15th Annual Paul R. Eckna Memorial Foundation Golf Outing/Dinner Dance will be held on Thursday October 5th at The Cherry Valley Club in Garden City, NYSave the date: PREMF 15th Annual Golf Outing Scheduled for Thursday, October 6th, 2016 March 16 2015
Mark your calendar's, as the 14th Annual Paul R. Eckna Memorial Foundation's Golf Outing has been scheduled for Thursday, October 6h , 2016. More information to follow!2014 Golf Outing & Dinner Next Thursday, October 2nd September 22 2014
Looking forward to Oct 2nd! July 23 2014